The San Bernardino Microwave Society will meet tonight February 2, 2023 at 1900 PST (02/03/2023 at 0300 UTC) at the American Legion Hall, 1024 Main Street, Corona, CA 92882.
Tonight's Technical Talk will be given by long time member and past SBMS president Dr. Doug Millar K6JEY on "Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Expansion". The program will begin as soon as we have solid connectivity and will be followed by Q&A in the hall and over Zoom. A business meeting will follow the program.
Sizzler on Rimpau in Corona is being remodeled and is scheduled to re-open on February 8, 2023. We will return there for pre-meeting dinner in March 2023.
This evening, join us at Castaneda's Mexican Food, 1340 El Sobrante Rd., Corona, CA 92879, 1/4 mile north down the hill from the Sizzler location. (www.castanedasmexicanfood.com)
To participate in tonight's meeting via Zoom use this ID and Passcode:
Meeting ID: 886 9217 9521
Passcode: 10368310
73, Courtney N5BF