In order to facilitate remote participants getting into SBMS meeting via Zoom I have made two changes.
1. We will always use the same meeting number in the future. This number is given below. I will also send it out (as always) on the day of the meeting and put it on w6ife.com so it can be found more easily.
2. Security is changed from "Waiting Room" to "Require Passcode." The passcode is 10368310 and is also included in the announcements, as below.
This means that instead of joining a waiting room where a meeting host is required to let you in, you will be able to let yourself in using that passcode.
Zoom requires some kind of security for all meetings so some sort of screening cannot be turned completely off. The three choices are 1) a login which requires all participants to have Zoom accounts (which we all do not and we are not going to require), 2) a waiting room as we have been using, or 3) the passcode. If one of our meetings gets zoom bombed, a host will just throw the offender out. I am not worried about this for our Society so I encourage you to pass around the link / meeting number / passcode to any who are interested. And store it in your phone, etc. for future reference.
The next SBMS meeting is October 6, 2022. I will reiterate all this that day.
73 Courtney N5BF SBMS President