The San Bernardino Microwave Society will meet tonight January 5, 2023 at 1900 PST (01/06/2023 at 0300 UTC) at the American Legion Hall, 1024 Main Street, Corona, CA 92882.
Per custom, those arriving in Corona early meet for dinner at Sizzler, 1461 Rimpau Ave. 92879.
Tonight's Technical Talk will be given by Ken Hendrickson N8KH, a demonstration of Smith Chart graphic software tools that he uses professionally and their uses in microwave design. SBMS participants over the last few years (The "Zoom Era") will recognize Ken as an active participant in and contributor to our technical discussions from his QTH in Florida from which he regularly joins via the Zoom link.
Due to the lateness of the hour in Florida, we will begin with Ken's presentation at 1900 PST. After the presentation and break we will reconvene for Activity Reports, ATN and Zoom checkins, and finally, the monthly business meeting.
To participate in meetings via Zoom, use this ID and Passcode:
Meeting ID: 886 9217 9521
Passcode: 10368310
73 Courtney N5BF SBMS president