Greetings SBMS!
The San Bernardino Microwave Society will meet in person at the American Legion Hall in Corona, CA (1024 S. Main St. 92882) at 1900 PDT Thursday August 5, 2021. All are welcome. Attendees arrive as early as 1800 PDT to set up.
The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to recommend face coverings for indoor gathers at this time, echoed by Riverside County health officials (see RiversideMaskRecommend_2021_07_28.png (1440×2560) (w6ife.com) ). Please bring your masks.
We will have a Zoom presence in Corona. If you are unable to attend in person or have any concerns or reservations, please join us on Zoom; information below.
After a brief business meeting, the evening's program will feature a round table discussion of our operating plans for the upcoming ARRL 10 GHz and Up competition (August 21-22, September 18-19, see W6IFE ). These activities will be carried on the Amateur Television Network and YouTube as usual.
And, as always, members will have microwave and electronic items to exchange. I have several boxes of surplus items that I plan to bring down over the coming months, starting Thursday.
We have learned, and confirmed, that our traditional, informal pre-meeting-dinner Sizzler location (1461 Rimpau Ave. 92879) is open for business once again as of last week. (Closure notifications online are out of date, we called the number and confirmed with the hostess on 8/3/21.) I will be among those driving to Corona ahead of the evening traffic, arriving at Sizzler between 1600 and 1700 PDT.
Look forward to seeing and hearing from you all Thursday!
73 Courtney N5BF President SBMS
Courtney Duncan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: San Bernardino Microwave Society August 5, 2021 Meeting
Time: Aug 5, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 3383 5345
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Meeting ID: 819 3383 5345
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