The San Bernardino Microwave Society will meet Thursday July 1, 2021 at 1900 PDT (7/2/21 at 0200 UTC) on Cactus Intertie, Zoom, and Amateur Television Network with a feed to YouTube (Amateur Television Network Live). The Zoom link will be sent out the day of the meeting.
Although many places are re-opening and the American Legion Hall in Corona is once again available for our gatherings, we are going to meet one last time on Cactus and Zoom due to the nature of the presentation which will be given remotely by two of our members, N6RMJ and WB6CWN, from Arizona.
We do plan to re-gather in Corona on Thursday August 5, 2021 for our annual 10 GHz and Up contest planning discussion. There have been some equipment changes in the American Legion Hall and this round table discussion meeting will more lend itself to our getting re-introduced to the modified hall, re-establishing the ATN link via the remote van after standing down for over a year, and so forth. Watch this space for more information as it develops.
73 Courtney N5BF President SBMS