The San Bernardino Microwave Society will meet at the American Legion Hall in Corona, CA (1024 S. Main St. 92882) at 1900 Pacific Tme (01/07/22 0300 UTC). All are welcome. For those unable to attend in person a Zoom link is provided below.
Those arriving in Corona ahead of peak traffic stop at Sizzler (1461 Rimpau Ave. 92879) for an early dinner.
This month's Technical Talk will feature Dr. Doug Millar K6JEY and Tony Long KC6QHP on 122 GHz equipment and operation.
73 and look forward to seeing everyone. Courtney N5BF SBMS President
Courtney Duncan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 0978 6634
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Meeting ID: 878 0978 6634
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