To do this go to w6ife.com and click on the "News" tab at the top. You will see a list of recent blog posts which have also gone out as e-mails to the subscribers.
You need to be signed in to make a post. Right click on the SBMS logo at the top and put in your name and password for the site (that you used to get signed up in the first place). You should be able to see your settings if needed by pulling down the gear at the upper right.
To make a new post click the "New Post" button and fill out the form. When you are done click the "Save" button at the bottom then click on your post in the list of posts then "Publish" so it will go out and appear to others.
You are able to attach files (pictures, videos) or link them in your posts. To put the material on w6ife.com itself, use the "File Upload" button. Please put your uploads in the "documents->1 User Uploads" area that I have created.
To get help with this or if you have difficulty, contact
and copy courtney.duncan@ieee.org and we'll help you out.This is a feature of the "new website" that has been there for a couple of years, but which hasn't been used extensively or needed until the reflector disappeared recently.
73 Courtney N5BF