The Zoom link for tonight's meeting is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88105675305
The in-person meeting is at the American Legion Hall, 1024 Main Street, Corona, CA 92882.
Tonight's agenda is as follows, in approximate order:
- Society communication via the internet. Recently, our venerable reflector (ham-radio.com, altadena.net) has been sputtering. After decades of excellent and dependable service, it may be time to move to a more modern "social media" platform for our routine interactions. Possibilities range from beefing up the existing system to a migration to Slack, Google Groups, or something similar. There have been several back-channel conversations about this over the last month. Bring your ideas and we'll decide on a way forward based on Society needs.
- On-the-air microwave activity. Recently, there has been a lot of ad hoc "opportunity" operation attempting to take advantage of rain scatter, enhanced tropo, rare site occupancies, and so forth. Is the notion of Home-To-Home, intended to encourage at least some monthly operation, the night before the meeting becoming obsolete? How shall we proceed?
- At the September 2022 meeting we will focus on the results and lessons learned from the recently concluded California-Hawaii 10 GHz attempts, but this evening we will take brief reports from any who were involved.
- Annual 10 GHz and up contest planning roundtable with Activity Reports. (The Main Event.) This year's contest weekends are August 20-21 and September 17-18, 2022. Operation is from 0600 to 2400 each Saturday and Sunday with a maximum on-the-air time of 12 hours per weekend per operator. See http://www.arrl.org/10-ghz-up . This year, several new operators are hoping to join in the contest. Bring your plans (tentative as they might be) for operation, when - where - and with whom. As the round table progresses, operators will adjust their plans and alliances in order to optimize the contest results for everyone. Mel WA6JBD will also be available to model operational sites and paths with radio propagation software in support of the discussion.
- Any other business items that come up.
If you are coming in person and arrive in Corona early, join us at Sizzler, 1461 Rimpau Ave. 92879.
73 and see you this evening, Courtney N5BF President SBMS