The San Bernardino Microwave Society will meet at the American Legion Hall in Corona, CA (1024 S. Main St. 92882) at 1900 Pacific Time (02/04/22 0300 UTC). All are welcome. For those unable to attend in person a Zoom link is provided below. (Setup begins at 1800 local.)
Those arriving in Corona ahead of peak traffic gather at Sizzler (1461 Rimpau Ave. 92879) for an early dinner.
This month's Technical Talk is "Getting on 10 GHz is Easy: Dispelling Myths" featuring Drew Arnett ND7A. Drew describes his 5 milliwatt 10 GHz rig beginning with the parts list (including prices!), construction techniques, plans for future improvements, and on-the-air operation in last year's 10 GHz and Up Contest, where he worked many of us, to our surprises! You may be surprised at how economical, and effective, the ND7A approach is. Before the talk, make a guess at what it might cost to get on 10 GHz if the goal was to successfully get on the air with minimum outlay but with a resulting setup that could be improved and upgraded later. The talk will begin at about 1940-1945 local following the business meeting.
Excellent news for SBMS is that our IRS application for non-profit status (501(c)(3)) has been approved! Thanks to Mary Woll N6VI for shepherding this process through many bureaucracies. At the business meeting we will discuss possibilities for utilizing this status to further Society goals.
73 Courtney N5BF SBMS President