SBMS Meeting for November 5, 2020 with WB4ILW - Zoom Link
Posted by Courtney Duncan

The San Bernardino Microwave Society will meet on Cactus Intertie and Zoom, Thursday November 5, 2020, 1900 PST (11/06/20 0300 UTC).  The meeting will also be carried on Amateur Television Network and YouTube (search for "Amateur Television Network" "Live").

Please join us for the roll call and activity reports at 1900 PST, (11/06/2020 0300 UTC) on either Cactus or Zoom (Zoom meeting information below).  For information about Cactus, contact WA6JBD at his e-mail address.

The Technical Talk will begin at 1930 PST (11/06/2020 0330 UTC):
"Deep Space Communication and the Deep Space Network" by Steve Townes WB4ILW.

Dr. Townes is the Chief Technologist of the Interplanetary Network Directorate and Manager of the Technology, Standards and Spectrum Program Office at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). He is currently the General Secretary and Chair of the Management Council of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS). During his career at JPL he has been the Deputy Manager of the Systems Concepts, Integration and Planning Office, Deputy Project Manager of the Mars Laser Communication Demonstration, Manager of the Communications Systems and Research Section, and an analyst for various projects related to the Deep Space Network.  He is a Principal Engineer.


He has also worked at The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA, in adaptive signal processing for communications and radar and at Stanford Telecommunications, Inc., Mountain View, CA, as an analyst for GPS and digital communications systems.


He has a PhD, MS and BE in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University, Stanford University and Vanderbilt University respectively.


He is the current President of the JPL Amateur Radio Club (, holds an Advanced Class license and was originally licensed in 1969 as WN4ILW.  These days he can mostly be found on FT8 and FT4, 160m-10m (except 60 m—no transmitter).


73 and see you this evening!

Courtney N5BF SBMS President

Courtney Duncan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Note that there have been some changes to Zoom settings and policies.  Arriving early might not be a bad idea.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 6856 5214
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