A reminder that the SBMS meeting in Corona and on Zoom is tomorrow evening: Thursday April 7, 2022 at 1900 PDT. That's April 8, 2022 at 0200 UTC.
This is a re-post of the announcement and Zoom link with one change. We are going to start the technical program at the beginning of the meeting at 1900 PDT and move the business meeting and officer elections to the end, probably around 2030 PDT. This will allow for the technical program to go as long as it needs to unimpeded while also allowing for the election and business discussion to be unrushed.
Also, the prior announcement about the Retirement Party for my wife Viann WD5EHM and I was not a spam. All of you who are associated with SBMS are welcome to come, eat, dance, hear me play piano, and maybe learn a thing or two about Texas in Pasadena (California) on May 7, 2022. RSVP by April 11, 2022 and find more information at
World renown microwave DXer Rex Moncur VK7MO and a team consisting of N6CA, W3SZ, and K6QPV will be attempting to complete 10 GHz QSOs from Hawaii to California this summer! If successful, this will be a new 10 GHz DX world record. Rex will be in Hawaii in support of the attempt from late June through July 2022, the time of year when we normally experience VHF-UHF ducting across this portion of the Pacific.
Rex will speak to the April 7, 2022 San Bernardino Microwave Society meeting via Zoom about the propagation theory behind the attempt and ongoing preparations on both sides of the path. Chip Angle N6CA will be present at the meeting in Corona and will discuss his own preparations on the southern California side along with expected issues and resolutions. Dave Laag W6DL will moderate the local plus Zoom discussion and question and answer session from all interested operators. The intent is to inform as many potential participants at the SBMS and regionally affiliated organizations on the west coast about how the tests will proceed, expected performance of stations, discuss how to prepare, and answer questions. The expected success involves high performance radios and antennas, digital modes, and pointing without necessarily having enough signal from the other end for peaking.
Background material is available for download at https://w6ife.com/documents/Presentations/2022/Hawaii%20to%20California%20on%2010%20GHz%2024%20March%202022.docx
Contact me (courtney.duncan@ieee.org) if you have trouble retrieving this information.
The meeting will be held at the American Legion Hall in Corona, CA (1024 S. Main St. 92882) at 1900 Pacific Daylight Time April 7, 2022 (April 8, 2022 at 0200 UTC). The Zoom link is provided below.
As always, those arriving in Corona ahead of peak traffic gather at Sizzler (1461 Rimpau Ave. 92879) for an early dinner.
The presentation be followed by a brief business meeting (ten minutes or less) in which SBMS will elect officers for the coming year. The current officers are all standing for re-election: Courtney Duncan N5BF President, Robert Carter KM6RXN Vice President, Michelle Thompson W5NYV Recording Secretary, and Dick Bremmer WB6DNX Treasurer. Nomination of additional candidates from the floor, if any, will precede the vote.
73 Courtney N5BF SBMS President
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