Due to ongoing developments at SBMS I have decided to rearrange the order of Thursday's meeting. Also, I forgot to include the Zoom link in the original announcement. See below.
Thursday February 3, 2022 - American Legion Hall, Corona (1024 Main Street 92882), Pacific Standard Time:
1900 Meeting Begins
1910 Technical Talk: Drew Arnett ND7A, "Getting on 10 GHz is Easy: Dispelling Myths"
2015 Business Meeting: Primarily to discuss how to proceed with our projects in light of our newly approved 501(c)(3) status with the IRS.
2045 Activity Reports and remote check-ins.
2100 Adjourn
Also, join us at Sizzler (1461 Rimpau Ave. 92879) if you arrive in Corona early.
73 and see you Thursday, Courtney N5BF SBMS President
Courtney Duncan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 1245 0905
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Meeting ID: 880 1245 0905
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