November 2022 SBMS Meeting Tonight Thursday November 3, 2022 1900 PDT
Posted by Courtney Duncan

The San Bernardino Microwave Society will meet tonight at the American Legion Hall, 1024 Main Street, Corona, CA 92882.

Those arriving in Corona early, (attempting to be) ahead of traffic, meet for an early dinner at Sizzler, 1461 Rimpau Ave. 92879.

The Technical Talk will be given by Michelle Thompson W5NYV and Paul Williamson KB5MU on technology developments from 1984 up through today.  Bring your vintage equipment, clothing, and hairstyles from the mid 1980s!

To participate via Zoom use this ID and Passcode:

Meeting ID: 886 9217 9521

Passcode: 10368310

or this link:

73 and see you at SBMS, Courtney N5BF, president