The in-person meeting tonight is at the American Legion Hall, 1024 Main Street, Corona, CA 92882.
The Zoom link for tonight's meeting is:
Tonight's approximate agenda:
- Pledge of Allegiance and Announcements
- SBMS President Courtney Duncan N5BF will present his observations and thoughts about how microwave contesting is done in our region. This is intended as introduction or training for newer contesters and as food for thought and discussion of possible improvements or optimizations among the long-time ops. (Courtney's qualifications to discuss a topic like this are offered in the introduction to the presentation.)
- Activity Reports, including August contest operation and planned September operation, and other operations.
- Business Meeting. Discussion of ARRL Grant next steps. Other business.
If you are coming in person and arrive in Corona early, join us for early dinner at Sizzler, 1461 Rimpau Ave. 92879.
73 and see you this evening, Courtney N5BF President SBMS